On previous post measurement sensor results displayed on serial monitor. This is good when we are on development stage. When we want something more independent we need external display. I have purchased a few type of display. For now we will use LCD 2004 for external display.

This LCD has 20 cols x 4 rows size. Not much information we can show on this small display. Above LCD use SPI or I2C interface. The reason I choose I2C interface is we only use 2 main pin for connection. This is useful when we use a lot of device on Arduino.
Above image shows the LCD back view. The I2C interface module has potentiometer to adjust backlight brightness and jumper to turn on or off backlight. The wiring is simple.
- GND <----> Gnd---->
- VCC <----> 5v---->
- SDA <----> A4 (Analog pin 4)---->
- SCL <----> A5 (Analog pin 5)---->
Note that one of the advantage using I2C interface is that we can use many devices on same pin. In this case I use LCD display in parallel with GY BMP 280 that has I2C interface too.
Download library here and copy the folder into Arduino library.
Run the test sketch from my github : https://github.com/satujamsaja/Arduino/tree/master/lcdi2c and implementation on the project that display DHT 22 and GY BMP 280 https://github.com/satujamsaja/Arduino/tree/master/dht22bmp28020x4 .
Run the test sketch from my github : https://github.com/satujamsaja/Arduino/tree/master/lcdi2c and implementation on the project that display DHT 22 and GY BMP 280 https://github.com/satujamsaja/Arduino/tree/master/dht22bmp28020x4 .
Good Luck.